
Why You Should Consider Bootstrapping to Start a Residential Cleaning Business

Are you thinking of starting a house cleaning business, but worry about the investment to get started? This is one business that doesn’t need a pile of cash because there are so many ways to get started. You don’t need a bank loan, you don’t need to mortgage your house, you don’t need a loan […]


Defining Your Business Brand (USP): You Must Speak to Your Audience!

One of the most important components in a successful business launch is your business brand. This is done through a USP (unique selling proposition). Without a USP, your service will fade into the shadows, struggle to compete and leave an everlasting impression in the minds of your customer base. U.S.P means your Unique Perceived Benefit […]


Steps to Start a Housecleaning Business

Here’s the first question I’m going to ask you…. why do you want to start a housecleaning business? The second question I’m going to ask is… what is your vision for building a housecleaning business? You need to be able to answer these two questions to have even a slight chance of succeeding with your […]


Starting up a Housecleaning Business

Don’t make the same mistake many people make by starting a housecleaning business without doing your research first. There are many reasons people want their own business and there are many different types of cleaning that you could do. The very first thing you should consider is how much time you have to work the […]

Sales & Marketing

Social Proof and Why Your Cleaning Business Needs It

“Social Proof” is one of the many strategies and techniques that businesses rely on to win you over and convince you that their product or service is worth your hard-earned cash. It taps into a basic human characteristic – the need to be like others. In our desire to conform, we often succumb and buy […]

Sales & Marketing

Easy Ways to Build Your LinkedIn Network for Your House Cleaning Business

Building connections is essential for making LinkedIn work for you. It’s not just about what you know but who you know. Your connections are the people you know directly. They’re the ones who either you’ve invited into your network or who have invited you. Either way, they don’t become an official connection until the invitations […]

Running a Cleaning Business

What Is a Quality Business Referral for Your House Cleaning Business?

There is a real difference between a good business referral that’s going to help you reach your business goals and a weak referral that’s not. Referrals are all about quality, not quantity, and you need to understand this qualitative difference in order to carry out a successful referral program. Referrals Are about Relationships The foundation […]


How to Plan for Success in a House Cleaning Business

Why do so many new cleaning businesses fail? For some reason, many people think they can create a house cleaning business out of nothing and that no real planning is involved. Yes, you can start by doing the cleaning yourself with your clients as your boss, but there may come a time when you want […]

Sales & Marketing

How Advertising and Marketing Works for Your House Cleaning Business

Don’t get confused about the relationship between advertising and marketing. Marketing is the overall process of creating, communicating, delivering, exchanging and sustaining offerings that have value for customers and clients. It includes the process of market research, product development, distribution, pricing, and promotion. Advertising is a subset of marketing in the form of ads placed […]

Running a Cleaning Business

Business Planning Basics for a Successful New Year

As your business comes to the end of a year of operation, it’s time to start planning your goals for the next year. Your goals for the new year will depend on what type of year your business had. Your goals may be a combination of fixing issues that held you back and how to […]

Cleaning Service Industry Frequently Asked Questions

Top 8 Reasons to Start a House Cleaning Business

A residential cleaning business is one of the easiest businesses to start. You can get started with little or no money and with hard work and dedication you can grow it into an enterprise. Or you can keep it small and continue doing the cleaning yourself. Cleaning is hard work, so don’t fool yourself into […]

Running a Cleaning Business

What to do When a Client Stops Your House Cleaning Service

The slowest season for a house cleaning businesses is the summer in many parts of the US. Kids are out of school, the family is on vacation, they’re cutting back financially for the summer, and various other reasons. I found this to be most prevalent with families and teachers. In reality, a client could stop […]


Start a Home Based Cleaning Business in Your City

Anyone can start a home-based cleaning business today. You just need to know what type of cleaning you want to do and what you are best suited for.  Once you know this, you can start your home-based business on your off hours and keep your current job until you’re ready to give it up. When […]


What Your House Cleaning Business Doesn’t Do Well

It’s tough running a house cleaning business and when you’re the sole owner, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the responsibilities you have.  I remember some weeks when it was all I could do just to make sure we met all our scheduled appointments.  Sometimes things tend to hit all at once; interviews, training, […]

Running a Cleaning Business

Five Year Plan for a Business Exit Strategy

You’ve started a business and you’re making money.  Now what? You should be planning a business exit strategy so your business is liquid and flexible just in case you need to make a change.  Having a five year plan is one way to ensure your success.  If you’re like many, you don’t want to be […]

Running a Cleaning Business

Setting Boundaries in Your Cleaning Business

Have you encountered clients that wait too long before seeking professional cleaning help and yet don’t keep up with the cleaning on their own either? How to define your business boundaries will help you manage these types of customers. This is yet another common issue in residential cleaning.  The problem is, they can no longer […]

Running a Cleaning Business

Are You Sabotaging Your Business?

It’s normal to have doubts when running your own business, but letting those thoughts take over is your road to failure. Letting a little phrase (or similar thoughts) pop into your head every time you have an idea may delay the implementation so long you can’t make any progress. How many times have you had […]

Running a Cleaning Business

Assess Your Online Reputation for You and Your Business

In order to track and monitor your online reputation it’s important to do an assessment first. Your online reputation is very important to your future business success. Without maintaining the reputation you want to project you might unwittingly project something you didn’t intend. To take control of your online reputation check it out for yourself. […]


How to Protect Client Information and Your Small Business

Whether you’re operating as an independent cleaner or as a professional cleaning business, you need to protect your client information. Your reputation and that of your business could be affected – your brand and market value could be ruined with a costly lawsuit. Do you rely on your computer for your cleaning business? If so, […]

Sales & Marketing

How to Create a Marketing Calendar for Your Cleaning Business

A Marketing Calendar is used by successful businesses to identify and budget marketing events throughout the year to ensure there are no long lapses between events. This calendar is created to include new and existing customers. The strategy ensures consistency and effectiveness to bring in new prospects and hold on to existing clients. READ MORE […]