Holding Back Challenge

5. Take A Few Baby Steps Toward Your Big Goals

Big goals can be scary. It doesn’t matter if it’s losing a significant amount of weight, paying off a large chunk of consumer debt, or starting a business. When we look at those big goals, we get intimidated.

We put off working towards them because we either don’t know where to start, or because the task simply seems too daunting. Today we’re going to tackle that issue and start making progress.

The Key to Reaching Goals

The key to reaching any goal, no matter how big or lofty, is to get stared and take baby steps. You can reach any goal and make any change if you consistently take small steps towards it. My goal for you today is to motivate and inspire you to take those first few baby steps toward your big goal.

The best part is that you don’t’ have to have it all figured out to get stared. You don’t need to know exactly what you’ll have to do at every step along the way. You don’t need to come up with a plan to pay off your entire credit card debt. You don’t have to figure out how exactly you’ll lose all of those 65 extra pounds. You don’t need to know everything there is to know about opening and running your own house cleaning business. And you don’t need to know what it will take to find the right employees.

Today is all about making a little bit of progress and getting started. This gets you over that initial hurdle and builds momentum. It will also help you realize that you can figure out the rest along the way. Ready to take those first few steps right now?

Your First Steps

Start by looking at your big goal, the changes you want to make, or what you want to get out of life. Know what your end goal is, but don’t worry about everything you need to do to get there. Just make sure you have an idea of the general direction you want to head in. At this point, it’s fine to simply decide that you want to lose some weight and improve your health, or pay off those credit cards or start the house cleaning business you’ve been putting off.

Got that goal in mind? Great!

Now come up with one or two little things you can do right now that help you move into the right direction. It doesn’t matter how small those steps are. They may seem insignificant when you look at the big picture, but they will quickly add up. Most importantly, they get you started.

Examples of Baby Steps

Let’s look at a few examples of what those baby steps may look like.

If your goal is improving your health and losing weight, your baby steps may be to go for a 10 minute walk each day, or replacing soda with sparkling water.

Maybe it’s trying some new healthy recipes and getting into the habit of eating a salad or steamed veggies with two meals per day.

If the goal is to save money or pay off debt, it could be to have $20 per month auto drafted into a savings account or to pay the principal of your debt. Or maybe it’s going through bills and cutting out some monthly extras like canceling magazine subscriptions or downgrading your cellphone and cable bills. Maybe it’s skipping the coffee shop in the morning and packing your lunch. Find one or two places where you can save a few dollars and start applying them towards your financial goal.

If you want to change careers or start your own business, do your research on what you need to do or find someone to talk to who’s done what you want to do for direction. In short, do something today that will move you in the right direction.

Go do that and then stay tuned for tomorrow’s post.


Now that you’re moving in a positive direction, something odd happens.

By Anne-Marie

I'm Anne-Marie, the House Cleaning Pro. When I planned to build a house cleaning business, I knew I didn't want to be stuck doing all the work myself. I had much bigger plans, like 1) Building up the business to compete with the franchises in my city 2) Training employees to do the dirty work and 3) Having the ability to sell the business when the time was right. Discover how you can achieve your goals when you start a house cleaning business for maximum profits!

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